Healing to Wellness

Healing to Wellness

Healing to Wellness Court

  • A voluntary, enhanced supervision program.
  • Handles cases involving individuals who have committed offenses resulting from their abuse of alcohol or other substances.
  • Brings together community healing resources with the tribal justice process, using a team approach to achieve the physical and spiritual healing of the participant and the well being of the community.
  • A component of the Tribal Justice System.
  • Provides a wide range of services necessary to support the individual’s recovery.
  • Follows a deferred prosecution procedure. If the offender and participating family successfully completes the mandatory requirement, charges will be deferred with no further criminal sentence.
  • Integrates cultural values to address substance abuse.
  • Partners with Human Service Agencies to assist in providing services to address the physical and emotional health, educational, and social needs of the participant.

Services Available

  • Assessments: Chemical Dependency, Behavioral Health and CAIS
  • Case Management: Monitoring and Compliance Checks
  • Comprehensive & Coordinated Supervision
  • Mandatory Random Drug and Alcohol Testing
  • 4 Phases of Individualized Treatment Program Plan
  • Incentives / Sanctions/Point System
  • Education
  • Intensive Out Patient and In Patient Treatment
  • Interactive Journaling and Matrix Model for Criminal Justice Settings
  • Medical Assisted Treatment
  • Moral Reconation Therapy & Interactive Journaling

Phases of the Program

  • 1 Introduction/Information – Learning About: why you are in the program; the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual effect of using alcohol and/or other drugs; what to expect from the program and what will be expected from you.
  • 2 Personal Responsibility – Accepting that: you have a problem with alcohol and/or other drugs; this problem has hurt you, your family, and your community; you can make changes for the better which will improve your life and the lives of those around you.
  • 3 Cooperation/Accountability – Be willing to: Cooperate and follow the treatment program, encourage others to do the same/be a role model; make better choices; live a good life, free of alcohol and other drugs; develop a plan to resist relapse.
  • 4 Completion/Continuing Growth and Wellness – Succeeding in: working through the other phases; leading a constructive life without alcohol and other drugs; learning new things about yourself; having a plan to continue your wellness; making a difference for yourself, your family, and your community.

Goal: The Chippewa Cree Tribal Courts will enhance services of the Adult Healing to Wellness Court to respond to and prevent alcohol and substance abuse related crimes on the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation through the provision of culturally relevant and appropriate evidence based co-occurring treatment services.

Family Healing to Wellness Coordinator - Tina Morales

Meet weekly with Healing to Wellness Team. Will be responsible for the development of appropriate case records system, procedures for the collection of documents to ensure that each participant’s case record is complete. Incumbent will be available to travel to required training. Incumbent will be responsible for the development of a responsive and prompt referral process for participants which will include screening contract for admission, history of offenses and determination that the individual is clinically appropriate for the program. Will work with probation officer to track client progress and implement compliance checks. Will be responsible for the establishment of FullCourt data set and record data. Incumbent will generate regular reports from data collection for review and measurement of progress for overall case management and individual case progress. Will review confidentiality requirements and conformance procedures with all clients. Incumbent will develop appropriate case management instruments. Incumbent will consult with all social services, health, education, and other personnel who have had prior professional contacts to determine treatment plan.

Juvenile Healing to Wellness Coordinator - donita Hay 

Responsible for the case management of at least 40 families per year in the Healing to Wellness Court. Responsible for research, collection, analyzes, and preserves Chippewa Cree Tribal specific methods of healing and alternative dispute resolution. Identify and use existing community organizations, agencies and individuals who can serves as resources for the program. Conduct community meetings to solicit support and report results of project including coordination with treatment providers. Establish and maintain an open and progressive working relationship with the by attending Healing to Wellness Advisory Team meetings and recording committee actions on the Family Healing to Wellness Court.

Chippewa Cree Tribe Wellness Coalition

The Wellness Coalition is pleased to present the Chippewa Cree Tribe Community Health Assessment that was
funded by the Montana Health Care Foundation, awarded to and overseen by the
Chippewa Cree Wellness Coalition (CCWC), and facilitated by a team from Boston Medical
Center (BMC). This project involved community-wide input, data gathering and hard work
on behalf of so many individuals, departments and organizations. In this report, you’ll find information on health issues including substance use, mental
health, maternal and child health, chronic disease and more. We’ve been building our
health resources and capacity over many years with the creation of the new tribally owned
health clinic and wellness center. Finishing the Health Center is a testament to what we can do as a community when we come
together and focus on one goal, which is bringing better healthcare to our people. I truly feel this report will be helpful to
address these health-related issues and look forward to receiving community feedback.