The Chippewa Cree Tribe Judical Commission adopted a process for the Tribal Court to implement an Administrative Citizen Customer Complaint Process so that any complaint against staff members, Judges or members of the Judicial Commission will be handled uniformly and expeditiously.

Updated July 13, 2023

Posted Oct 2023

The Chippewa Cree Tribal Court, through the visionary leadership from the Judicial Commission, hold strategic planning meetings with the Tribal Court, stakeholders, members of the Judicial Commission and elected Business Committee members.


The CCTC is devoted to the support of tribal community members’ justice system through education, information, sharing and advocacy. The Chippewa Cree Tribal Court will strive to provide traditional means of resolving disputes in all facets of the justice system. In a concerted effort to strengthen the court’s ability to evolve its shift toward culturally relevant and appropriate justice, the CCTC developed a Mission statement to reflect the enhancement of the tribal justice system.

Chippewa Cree Tribe Justice System



Chippewa Cree Tribe Justice System


The Chippewa Cree Tribal Court’s vision is to provide fair and equitable justice for all with respect to tradition and culture as a full-functioning independent Judicial branch of government in collaboration with our community; and, to incorporate Chief Rocky Boy’s vision to “Love one another and take care of each other.”

The Chippewa Cree Tribal Court recognizes that to be successful in the accomplishment of the mission an integral value and belief system is needed. The CCTC strategic planning sessions spurred discussion and the result is the development of Guiding Principles.


  • The CCTC is a branch of government and operates in the spirit of self-governance, pursuant to the Tribal Constitution and By-Laws;
  • The CCTC ensures equality, fairness and respect for everyone who utilizes the system;
  • The CCTC will recognize and respect culture and traditions within our community;
  • The CCTC shall adhere to strict ethical standards; and
  • The CCTC exercises cooperation with other jurisdictions.

The foundation of organizational culture lies with the values and beliefs that reflect the way in which the organization conducts carrying out its mission. The CCTC defined these principles to define and reinforce the values and beliefs of the organization for the long-term success of the Tribal Court.


The purpose of long-term goals is to accomplish the Mission. Long term goals identified through the strategic planning process are as followed:

To become the most competent Tribal Court in Montana;

To become a knowledgeable court that facilitates activities and processes that promote a holistically healthy community, and;

To honor, preserve and maintain our culture.

Five strategic directions have been identified through a strategic planning process. These will guide the actions to be taken to achieve the “Vision of Success for 2019”. Each major strategic direction represents a specific category around which goals, objectives, outcome measures, and actions will be developed.

Chippewa Cree Tribe Justice System

The five strategic directions are:

All parties will be guaranteed due process and treated in a fair and just manner regardless of race, culture, age, gender, disability, and religious preference. The judicial branch will be responsive to the needs of the public and shall enhance the public’s understanding of and confidence in the tribal courts.

The judiciary shall be an independent branch of government that seeks, uses and accounts for Tribal/Federal/State and private sector funding necessary for its support. The independence of judicial decision-making shall be protected.

The Tribal Court recognizes the importance and will provide culture/community/family values and beliefs into the Tribal Court System.

Management of operations shall be administered utilizing best practices, innovative ideas, competent judges, judicial officers, and staff within appropriate facilities.

The effectiveness of judges and other judicial branch staff shall be enhanced through continuing education and training.
